All our lives we have been taught to get into a high paying vocation so that we will get “rich and settled”. Nothing is farther from the truth. A high income will not make us rich. Worse, it cannot even prevent us from going broke. Look at the below names....
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In the previous post, we saw that whatever money we spend invariably goes into one of the following 4 Quadrants. In case you have missed out to read the previous article, I suggest you to first go through the same by clicking here so that we are on the same...
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In my first post, we saw that there are only 4 possible ways that a person can spend money. Also that out of these 4, spending to achieve your goals is the most important. We called that Quadrant 4 expenses. You can find the full article here. In my second...
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You probably have heard that people lose money on their investments when markets crash. In fact, more people have lost money by not following the 10 points below than due to any market crash. Read on and remember these when you buy your next investment. 1. Invest time before investing...
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